Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chic Chick Bags

I'm going into business : ). I'm now selling handmade rag quilt diaper bags, wipe holders, hand bags, totes, nursing covers, and quilts. I have created another blog, "" and an store to sell all the bags and extras I have made. Everyone should check it out. I have been contacted by a florist/gift shop and they want to sell some of my bags on consignment so I have been busy sewing bags for them. I haven't been able to put a lot on the Etsy store yet but I hope that in the next week or so I will have a bunch of stuff on it. I am having a lot of fun making these bags.

I think I have finally found me niche. As a stay at home, I have been looking for some kind of hobby to keep me busy. Dont' get me wrong, I'm very busy taking care of Navie (and I wouldn't want it any other way) but I need to do something for myself too. Chic Chick Bags is that thing for me. I love the bags because they are completely reversible and are custom made to each person! All I need to know is what colors you want and patterns (floral, geometric, polka dots, etc.) that you like and I will make a bag to fit your likes. So please check out the new blog and etsy store.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tomorrow spring is officially here!!!! I'm so excited about having nice weather again. Yesterday we had unseasonably warm weather and it got up to 77*. It felt extremely good to get out of the house and play in the yard. Navie really enjoyed it too : ). So to usher in the nice weather, here are few pictures of Navie from yesterday. Yea for Spring!!!