Saturday, August 30, 2008

Due Date

Well her due date has come and past and still no little Navie Bean. I hope that she will come soon. It has been a fun ride and I have enjoyed every minute of it but I'm ready to get our family life started. Plus, I really want to get rid of my rash. I can't remember if I posted how my stretch marks are itchy but now it has turned into a rash called PUPPP. (click puppp for a link) It's not harmful to mom or baby but it does drive me crazy! It's like having a gigantic bug bite that never stops itching. Any little brush or nudge makes it start to itch and don't get me started about clothes rubbing : )! It's now spread to 2/3 of my belly and has started down my thighs, hands, and feet. It should go away in 1-2 weeks after delivery. Until then I can only use creams and aloe to sooth it : ) Well, keep checking our blog for updates on how the pregnancy is going. We will let everyone know when she is born (sooner than later I hope) : )

THIS IS NOT MY BELLY but it is an example of what PUPPP looks like. My stomach looks just like this one though! It looks like stretch marks but they have little bumps all over them and it looks like chicken pox or acne on the legs. If anyone was grossed out by the picture I'm sorry. Thats why I didn't put my belly on here : )

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today is an interesting day. We went in for a Non-Stress Test and everything is fine. They hooked me up to the monitor just like they will in the hospital and gave me a button to push every time I felt Navie move. The point of the test is to make sure that her heart rate increases properly when she moves. It was neat to hear Navie's heart beat for 30 minutes straight : ). They gave us a little piece of the paper that showed her heart rate so we could add it to her baby book. That was really nice of them. The top line is her heart rate and the bottom line would measure my contractions if I was having any. After the test was over we met with the doctor for a normal exam. I still haven't dilated, which is fine, but there was a little protein in my urine so she sent me to have more blood work done. We also have to go in on Tuesday for another sonogram and doctor's appointment. They will be taking more measurements and rating her movements. I'm not really sure what exactly they are looking for or will find out by this sonogram but at least we get to see our little girl again : ). We won't get to tape it this time though because its at a different health center : (. Hopefully all will go well which I'm sure it will because the doctor didn't say there was anything to worry about. Tomorrow is my due date so we'll see what happens in the next few days. Hopefully there will be a new chick on the block : )!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I am so happy today! We had our doctor's appointment and got the results back from my test. Everything is completely normal. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!! : ) I knew everything was fine despite what other people were saying. There is nothing to be worried about. Now everyone knows that I do know what I'm talking about : ). I still haven't dilated yet but first time women don't usually dilate until they are ready to deliver the baby. If I go to far past my due date then they would have to induce me but other than that there is no reason to do so. I'm floating on cloud nine : ). It's just a nice bit of news to start the week off with.

We had a pretty nice weekend. Cris didn't have to work overtime so we were able to go out and have some fun : ). He has been working a lot of overtime lately, which is good especially with Navie coming soon, but I do miss spending time with him. Yesterday, we went to our niece Heather's birthday party. She turned 4 on Aug. 12th but they decided to have the party later. She is growing up so fast and so is her little brother Will.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Unhappy Mommy!

Today I had my doctor's appointment. We finally got to meet the male doctor. We've been going there for 9 months and every time we are supposed to meet him he has to go to the hospital on call. Now here is what makes me unhappy... my blood pressure was up a little again this week. I asked the doctor if it could possibly be the machine that they use and he said that it does tend to read higher then your blood pressure actually is but "just in case" I have to go in for a blood test on Wednesday. I also have to collect all my urine for the next 24 hours and turn that into them when I go in for the blood work. It makes me mad because he said this is to see if I have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. Well lets think about this for a minute.... my blood pressure is up a little and I'm pregnant..... What do you think?!?!?!?! I just think that it is so stupid that I have to go in for blood work when its not going to tell us anything that a normal doctor's visit won't. Everything this test is supposed to look for they test every time I go in for a visit. It's just unnecessary! Its not hard to collect my urine but still it makes me mad. I'm not a real fan of this doctor. At the birthing class we found out that he gives every woman an episiotomy whether they need one or not so this tells me that he's just sending me off for this test for the heck of it. But oh well, there's nothing I can do about it so I guess I'll have to do it.

On a lighter note, my Strep B test came back negative so at least that's one thing that we don't have to worry about : ). Navie is doing great. I love to hear her heart beat at every visit. It's strong and healthy which would make any parent happy : ) I can't wait to finally have her home with us.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

What A Weekend

Boy was it a busy a weekend so far! Last night we attended our Newborn Prep class. We learned all about how to perform CPR on an infant. It was a lot like CPR on an adult. I thought that it would be different but it really isn't. We also learned what to do if your child is choking. I'm glad they went over that because how many times do you hear about kids choking on hot dogs and things like that. Now we know what to do and can be prepared. It was a little uncomfortable for me though because we were using our hands a lot and my hands were swelling really bad! I have never had them swell up that bad before. They were really tight and itched a lot. Even Cris was shocked at how bad they were. It took a little while but after running them under cold water in the bathroom, I was able to get the swelling to go down a little.

I learned a lot of little interesting facts too, like normal vaseline is better to use on a baby's bum instead of Desitin. You shouldn't use baby powder either. I already knew that you shouldn't use baby powder but it was nice to hear it from the professionals.

Today we had our Child Birthing class. Between the two classes, today's was definitely the best. We went over the different stages of labor and what I'll have to go through. I really enjoyed practicing the breathing and relaxation techniques. But I would have to say that my favorite part of today was when we were practicing different labor positions with breathing techniques and Cris was massaging my back! It felt so good : ). Cris is going to be such a great labor partner! I'm so lucky to have him. It is nice to know that he will be there for me during everything and really cares. There were some fathers at the class that didn't want to be there and you could tell. It was a good thing we took this class and I would recommend to any first time parent to take one like it. It was well worth it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stretch Marks!!!!

Oh no!!!!! I found some stretch marks on my stomach!!! I didn't know that they were because they're just below my belly button. I couldn't see them over my baby bump : ). I realized they were there when my stomach started itching like crazy. I stood on my tippy toes to see in the mirror and there they were!!!! I'm using Cocoa butter so I hope it will help a little but if not, oh well, its all apart of being pregnant : )

Yesterday my parents decided to come down from Hershey and they took me out for lunch. It was kinda nice to get out of the house and have someone to do something with. I'm enjoying being home now but some days seem to drag on when I have nothing to do. That's another reason I'm excited for Navie to be born; she will keep me busy : ).

Well tomorrow will be a fun a day. I'm excited because we have our couple's birthing class! Because of our work schedules we were never able to go to any classes. Friday we have the baby preparedness class where we will learn all about what we have to do when we get Navie home (bathing, SIDS, CPR, etc). Most of it seems to be commonsense but I thought that it would still be good to take. Then on Saturday we have the Lamaze class. I know I'm going to learn a lot and that it will be worth it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

3 weeks left!!!!!

Only 3 weeks left until my due date and everything is going great! I'm 37 weeks along in my pregnancy and both Navie and I are doing fine. Last week we were watching my blood pressure because it was a little high but with a week of good old fashioned rest we were able to get it back to normal. Navie has a strong heart beat and an even stronger kick! While I do enjoy feeling her move around and making her presence known, I am looking forward to delivery. I have gained a total of 30 pounds during this pregnancy! Even though I look small for being 9 months pregnant I feel like a blimp!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

9 Months and Counting!

Well everyone, we've reached 9 months. Her official due date is August 30. Of course everyone will be informed as soon as the happy moment arrives. Pictures and video clips will soon follow. We are very excited to introduce her to the world. Updates to come!!