Monday, August 25, 2008


I am so happy today! We had our doctor's appointment and got the results back from my test. Everything is completely normal. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!! : ) I knew everything was fine despite what other people were saying. There is nothing to be worried about. Now everyone knows that I do know what I'm talking about : ). I still haven't dilated yet but first time women don't usually dilate until they are ready to deliver the baby. If I go to far past my due date then they would have to induce me but other than that there is no reason to do so. I'm floating on cloud nine : ). It's just a nice bit of news to start the week off with.

We had a pretty nice weekend. Cris didn't have to work overtime so we were able to go out and have some fun : ). He has been working a lot of overtime lately, which is good especially with Navie coming soon, but I do miss spending time with him. Yesterday, we went to our niece Heather's birthday party. She turned 4 on Aug. 12th but they decided to have the party later. She is growing up so fast and so is her little brother Will.

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