Friday, August 29, 2008

Today is an interesting day. We went in for a Non-Stress Test and everything is fine. They hooked me up to the monitor just like they will in the hospital and gave me a button to push every time I felt Navie move. The point of the test is to make sure that her heart rate increases properly when she moves. It was neat to hear Navie's heart beat for 30 minutes straight : ). They gave us a little piece of the paper that showed her heart rate so we could add it to her baby book. That was really nice of them. The top line is her heart rate and the bottom line would measure my contractions if I was having any. After the test was over we met with the doctor for a normal exam. I still haven't dilated, which is fine, but there was a little protein in my urine so she sent me to have more blood work done. We also have to go in on Tuesday for another sonogram and doctor's appointment. They will be taking more measurements and rating her movements. I'm not really sure what exactly they are looking for or will find out by this sonogram but at least we get to see our little girl again : ). We won't get to tape it this time though because its at a different health center : (. Hopefully all will go well which I'm sure it will because the doctor didn't say there was anything to worry about. Tomorrow is my due date so we'll see what happens in the next few days. Hopefully there will be a new chick on the block : )!!!

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