Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bath Time

It has taken awhile but Navie has finally started to play during bath time. She loves to chase her ducky around the tub and splash. Sometimes she gets mad at us when we take her out : ). She does not however like bubbles in the water. She gets scared when she can't see her legs under the water : ). The only bubbles that she likes during bath time are the bubbles that form when Cris pores water into the tub. She even asks for those : ). Here are two videos of Navie during bath time. They're not much but I thought I would share them anyways.


Grandma Schaeffer said...

How absolutely adorable! Looks like she may become a fish like her mom at that age. I love hearing her cute little voice!

The Crunkletons said...

Hmmmm...I wonder who she reminds me of at that age....