Monday, April 19, 2010


So since it was such a nice day today and Cris had off from work, we thought we would get our planting done. Instead of doing different plants like we did last year, we decided to plant all tomatoes.

We have six tomato plants now. I hope we get plenty to actually can with. Last year I had enough to make a few patches of stewed tomatoes. We want to make some spaghetti and pizza sauces. Maybe some crushed tomatoes too : )

Navie was a big helper with filling to pots with soil.

Now all the tomatoes are planted. I can't wait for them to grow! I hope we will get a good yield!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What A Flirt

I'm amazed at how fast Navie is growing up so here is a quick update. Her vocabulary is getting better every day. She used to only say half of words but now she is finally saying the whole thing like "up" instead of "u". She is even talking in full sentences now. Here are just some of the things Navie says on top of all the other words she has been saying...... grandma/grandpa, daddy home, i want the ball/bubbles/water (basically anything she wants), go get it/I'll get it. hurt, stuck, her own name, etc. She knows all her body parts and we are working on our shapes and colors. So far she knows star, circle, and blue.

She loves to flirt too : )

She loves to help me around house and will do anything that she sees me doing, even cleaning : ). She's not satisfied unless she walks down the stairs one at a time, or is eating with a fork and spoon. Sometimes I feel like I have an adult as my daughter instead of a toddler. She is so determined to do things the real way and not like a 19 month old : ). Navie is such a sweet heart! I love her so much and am so proud of her!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter and a special Surprise

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!! We had a lot of fun. In the morning we had a little Easter egg hunt in the back yard for Navie. She was just happy to be outside more than anything : ) It was nice to see her collecting the eggs because last year she was too small. She wasn't even walking.

Every basket has to have a chocolate bunny : )

The eggs aren't back that far Navie.

So it was fun doing the egg hunt until a black dog charged at Navie. It came out of nowhere! Some neighbor let their 3 dogs out (and we aren't allowed to have dogs in the development where we live). Thankfully Cris was able to pick Navie up just before the dog got her so she wasn't hurt. But that's besides point! If people would follow the rules we wouldn't have to worry about our little girl getting run down by a dog!

So we all had Easter dinner up at Craig and Sharla's house this year. We did that for a reason though. Ron and Susie had a special surprise for Corey. They threw an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for him since he has been awarded his Eagle! Great job Corey!!!

This is the program with a picture of the Eagle Badge. The box held his Eagle tie.

Cris presented Corey with the Eagle Scout Challenge and pined on his Eagle Badge.

Navie got to present Corey with his Eagle tie.

It was a proud moment for Ron and Susie. Corey receiving his Eagle was the end of a long journey. All the sons have Eagle in Scouting!