Thursday, April 15, 2010

What A Flirt

I'm amazed at how fast Navie is growing up so here is a quick update. Her vocabulary is getting better every day. She used to only say half of words but now she is finally saying the whole thing like "up" instead of "u". She is even talking in full sentences now. Here are just some of the things Navie says on top of all the other words she has been saying...... grandma/grandpa, daddy home, i want the ball/bubbles/water (basically anything she wants), go get it/I'll get it. hurt, stuck, her own name, etc. She knows all her body parts and we are working on our shapes and colors. So far she knows star, circle, and blue.

She loves to flirt too : )

She loves to help me around house and will do anything that she sees me doing, even cleaning : ). She's not satisfied unless she walks down the stairs one at a time, or is eating with a fork and spoon. Sometimes I feel like I have an adult as my daughter instead of a toddler. She is so determined to do things the real way and not like a 19 month old : ). Navie is such a sweet heart! I love her so much and am so proud of her!!!


Grandma and Grandpa said...

She's growing up so beatifully! I wish she'd slow down!!!!

The Crunkletons said...

What a cutie, patootie!

jay and holl said...

I love that picture at the top of your blog! so so cute!

Melanie said...

So sweet & smart. =)

Unknown said...

Great Gandpa loves all your doing .. Navie is a little doll and your doing a great job with her ..... love ya.