Monday, June 8, 2009

Our Trip to Ohio

We had a lot of fun this weekend. We took our first real trip with Navie out to see Steve and Holly for Caprie's baby blessing. Navie did an outstanding job!!!! She did great in the car, opened up to everyone, and slept great in a different place. Here are a few pictures from this weekend. If you want to see more pictures from Caprie's blessing, check out Steve and Holly's blog. There are some great pictures there.

Caprie was so beautiful in her blessing dress!

Grandpa and Grandma with both granddaughters : )

Grandpa and Grandma with Navie

Caprie and Navie together. Navie really liked Caprie. She held her hand and even looked around the room for her whenever someone walked away with her : ).

Here is the Cleveland cityscape. It was so pretty.

Of course we had to stop and see the "Christmas Story" house while we were out there. Sadly we missed the tour hours but at least we saw it from the outside.

Cris checking the mail for his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin.

This is the funniest video that I have ever put on the blog. Navie is reacting to the sour coating from some candy that Cris was eating. I hope you enjoy it!

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