Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day this year. Mine didn't start so nice but it ending really great. Cris had to go in to work on Sunday delivering Mother's Day flowers so I had to take Navie and pick up the girls that we are taking to church for the next 6 months, all to church on my own. Thats not too bad, but Navie decided to run away from me when I was trying to get her into the car. She fell down and got her first real owie. We ended up getting to church just as it was starting because I needed to inside and get Navie all cleaned up.

She skinned her knee and got a little scratch on her face :' (

Here are the flowers that I got from Navie in Nursery and the sunday school presidency at church for Mother's Day. All I need to do is plant them and I can enjoy them all summer : ).

So the morning wasn't the best, but Cris got off of work earlier than he originally thought and was home just a few minutes after me. I'm glad he got home early because he had to work Valentine's Day too and I wasn't too happy about him missing Mother's Day too.
Cris's family came over for lunch and the men cooked us flank steak on the grill. It was a pretty nice afternoon, especially since I didn't have to cook or clean up : )

On Monday we went out and got my Mother's Day/ Birthday/ Anniversary present (it was a little expensive so we are using it for the important occasion gifts). We got a new TV stand! It is so nice and makes the house feel like a home. Its nice to have our first solid piece of furniture. The other Tv stand we had felt sort of like "newly wed" furniture. Now we have a "grown up" Tv stand.

I LOVE my new TV stand!!!! Now for Father's Day/ Birthday/ Anniversary, Cris will be getting a new TV. Navie has taken a toll of this one and the power button doesn't always work. With the Tv up higher, now she can't reach it : )


jay and holl said...

glad to hear you were well taken care of the second half of the day and I love your entertainment center, really nice!

Melanie said...

I'm so glad your M-Day turned out really nice. I always say that my favorite food is anything yummy that I don't have to cook or clean up... whatever the cuisine is, bring it on! And I love your ent. center... we have yet to get one, and we've been in this house for 2 years! This year we're getting patio furniture for Mother's Day -- When I see the right set, I'll know it. =)

The Crunkletons said...

Glad you had a Happy Mother's Day and are enjoying your new entertainment center. I think I know what the problem is with your tv since we had the same problem with ours. Is it a Magnavox or Phillips brand? If so, the problem will be the capacitor. We upgraded ours to a 25 watt. Uncle Sam replaced the one in our tv for just a couple bucks and now it works fine. Saved us from buying a new tv. Just keep it upright when replacing it so the screen doesn't become pixelated.