Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Best Christmas Present EVER!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I figured out what my Christmas present is this year and I feel horrible! Last night I got onto Cris' email to download a picture of Navie and me at the hospital that his parents took and I saw another email confirming a studio appointment at Sears. The cat was out of the bag. Cris was so disappointed that I figured it out. It was supposed to be a surprise but I ruined it. What a surprise it would have been. He keeps saying the same line over and over again from the movie "A Christmas Story" that we were watching last night....."I'm sure the guilt you feel is more than any punishment that you could receive" and boy is he right! I feel so bad that I ruined the surprise but I love the pictures!!! He knows me so well. I love him so much. Here are a few of the pictures that he had taken. He got me a really big portrait size of the first picture in black and white. That one I won't open until Christmas : )


Holly and Steve said...

That is the sweetest present! I love it! Tell Cris he did a great job! Navie is so beautiful!!!

The Crunkletons said...

How was Cris able to accomplish that without your knowledge? My hat's off to him. They are absolutely beautiful pictures!! What a sweet hubby you have!

The Crunkletons said...

Also...glad to see you guys are getting good use of the "Christmas Story" movie.