Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I know.... I know

Yes, I know its not Christmas yet but I had to put up a new Christmas background and no I did not put up the tree. This is the tree from last year. We are getting a real tree this year and using colored lights so I have to wait longer to put it up and decorate it. The more I think about Christmas the more excited I get. It doesn't help that Cris keeps telling me that he has a really good present for me this year and he won't give me any hints. He knows how much I love to guess presents and how much it drives me crazy when I can't figure them out : ) That's ok though because I have a good one for him too.
Cris has been working a lot of overtime the past few weeks. I miss having him at home but after getting the medical bills from having Navie we could really use the extra money. Cris is trying to get a day route at work and it looks like he might get one. He has to bid on the routes and it goes by seniority. Hopefully there aren't too many people bidding. It would be so nice to have him home at a decent hour instead of 9:00 pm.
Navie is doing great. She is full of smiles and loves to talk : ) Her next appointment is Dec. 4th. I think that she is at least 9 lbs. now. she is growing so fast.


Holly and Steve said...

I love your tree! I went christmas crazy today and put up everything!:) Steve finally gave in! HAHA!

The Crunkletons said...

You had a pretty tree last you'll want to use it again next year after you find out what a mess a real Christmas tree can be. Hey, but enjoy the real one this year!! Christmas is just the ABSOLUTELY BEST TIME OF THE YEAR!!! Hope you guys have a BLAST with little Navie!!