Monday, November 24, 2008

Chatter Box

Everything is going really well for us right now. The waiting that Cris has done for a day route has finally paid off. He starts a new route on January 3rd! I'm so excited because now he can be home in the evenings. It will be so nice to have dinner at a normal time. Plus with winter on its way, I don't have to worry about him driving in the dark. His route should be getting done around the time it gets dark and then all he has to do is come home.
Its hard to do but I got a video of Navie talking. I'm sorry it is at a weird angle but I can't have her see the camera. As soon as she sees it, she goes quite and just stares : ) We also video taped her talking to the tv this morning : ) She was watching "Sid the Science Kid". It amazes me how much she has grown and changed over the last 2 almost 3 months. It will be really strange when she actually starts talking!


Holly and Steve said...

She is just so dang cute! I can't wait to hold her again!

The Crunkletons said...

What a cutie pie!

The Hubert Family said...

Just wait until the day comes when you wonder if she will ever stop talking! :)