Monday, January 12, 2009

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree

Looks like someone might be a thumb sucker : ). Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it? I'm sure most of you can remember when I sucked my two fingers. Heck, I sucked them until I was 14! Navie just started putting her thumb in her mouth. Most of the time she just sucks her hand but she is starting to get the hang of it. We'll see if this becomes a habit or not (I think it will).
Navie is doing well. She is going through a really fussy phase right now. All she does is cry and it seems like nothing we do makes her happy. The crying really makes things difficult because we are trying to pack everything up to move in two weeks and she has to be held the entire time. Thats babies for you : ).
I probably won't be posting pictures that often for the next few weeks. The power adapter for my computer is fried and I have to get a new one. I'm not to worried about it right now since like I said, we are trying to get everything packed up. I think that is a little more important at the moment : ). I'm using Cris' computer and I'm not as familiar with it. I'll have to wait for my computer to be un and running to get to all the pictures : ).


The Crunkletons said...

Yes, we remember when we used to call you "fingers." And as for Navie, she's probably just sensing the change that's in the air with you getting ready to move. So, hang in there. This, too, shall pass.

jay and holl said...

she may be teething have you tried infant tylenol drops they take the edge off

matthew emilee sarah and jack said...

hey brooke i don't know if you will know who i am but I am Jenea Fultz sister . Your little girl is soooo stinken cute . How do you pronounce her name I love it . I am having my third yes THIRD baby in aug . Anyway have you tried those baby front carriers i use those alot when my babies are ity bittys and they work wonders . If you don't have one they are a really good investment . Where are you living these days . JEnea just came home from her mission about 3 weeks agao . Hope to hear from you soon