Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So our little girl is growing up. She is now 5 months old. It definitely doesn't feel like it has been that long : ). She is doing really well and now loves butternut squash : ). I was so proud of her when she tried it for the first time. She has had rice cereal before but never took to it like she did to the squash. Tonight we are going to try peas!

Here is a video of Navie doing her little wiggle dance. I had to unzip her pj's so you could see it. She wasn't moving her head though. Usually her head really gets into it too. It's really cute when you see it in person : )!


The Hubert Family said...

Glad to hear she is enjoying vegetables. Adrienne will be starting them this weekend.

Holly and Steve said...

She's too cute!!! We love her little dance:)

Karissa said...

shes soo big!! i love your new townhouse by the way!