Thursday, April 2, 2009

7 months

Navie turned 7 months old today. I still can't believe how fast time is going. Navie's new thing lately is to push herself with her legs when she is sitting until she gets onto her belly. It's cute to watch her try. She's not quite sure what to do whence she gets herself there but I think she might be figuring out the crawling thing. She's starting to show the first signs. She still doesn't have a complete grasp of it but it looks like with more practice she just might get it.


The Crunkletons said...

Oh Navie...fell flat on her cute little face. It won't be long and she'll be crawling all over the place, though. Can't believe she's growing up so fast and I haven't even had a chance to love on her yet.

Oh, and I love the new blog look. Where/how did you get your blog header. It's really cute!

Unknown said...

to make the banner i went to and went under fashion your facelift tap at the top. then i used to add our picture and the the other stuff. its really easy to use. then you just save it as a jpeg and add it to you blog : ).