Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Pictures

I love fall. It is my favorite time of year. So when I saw how the leaves were changing on the trees at our ward building, I had to take some pictures. I have had a lot of presidency meetings since I was called to 2nd councilor. We had another meeting yesterday to figure out child placement on the stand for the primary program. That's when I saw the trees : ). Here are a few pictures I took at the chapel.

And here is a short video of Navie walking backwards. She only does it for a little in the beginning. Don't mind the mess. Its been a long week so far and Navie doesn't help it much when she pulls out the DVDS : ).

1 comment:

jay and holl said...

I LOVE looking at your blog, so fun! I too am second counselor in the primary, our program is the 22nd of november any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. like what are your plans for the proclamation to the world parts? are all parts being said?