Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Park

aaWe took a walk as a family the other day in park behind our house. The weather was so nice and Navie really enjoyed it. It was really nice having Cris along for the walk too. Usually its just Navie and myself. Here are a few pictures from our walk.

Navie is one cool chick : )

And she's off!

Eating dirt, yuck!

Navie loved the water fountain!

Here is a little video of Navie walking around in the park. Its not much so I'm trying to get better videos of her but its so hard to catch her doing the cute stuff : ) She likes to throw and chase after her pink ball and the newest thing is walking backwards.

Navie loves to hang upside down so today when I was holding her she hung her head back and I was able to see into her mouth. What did I see but 2 new teeth, both molars. One is through the gums and the other one is almost through. That makes a total of 7, almost 8, teeth!


Holly and Steve said...

She is too cute! LoVE her pigtails. I can't believe how big she is getting! She's a doll!

The Crunkletons said...

She is way too cute!! I could just eat her up! Please give her lots of hugs and kisses for us!!