Thursday, October 22, 2009

talking on the phone

Here are two new videos of Navie that I took today. The first is a video of her playing with her pink ball and sporting her new fancy foot wear (not really, its just coupons that came in mail. She gets into everything!)

The second is Navie talking on my new cell phone. Its nice because I can actually lock the keypad and she can't make any calls : ) Sorry that its from behind but it was the only way I could catch her talking on the phone. I couldn't let her know I was watching : ).


Grandma and Grandpa Schaeffer said...

So funny! She sure knows how to use the phone. How cute!

Holly and Steve said...

How cute! We can't wait to see her!

The Crunkletons said...

Love the sound of the paper crinkling under her feet as she walks. Think it's time to get that girl a cell phone!! She's a pro!