Tuesday, March 2, 2010


To any and all who read our blog, I'm sorry it has been so long since I have done anything with it. To tell you the truth, there hasn't been anything to report. Winter is one of my least favorite seasons because there is nothing to do. Navie and I are basically stuck in the house for now watching movies and Tv. I feel so bad for Navie because she want to go out side so bad. I hope spring will get here fast. It will be so much fun going out in the yard and playing. And since she can walk and run, it will be even more fun!

Steve and Holly are in town visiting my parents this week. They came down Sunday to visit after church and it was a lot of fun to see them. Navie and I are planning on going to visit them again on Thursday but thats only if we can get my car up and running. The battery died about 2 days ago. Cris is planning on going out tonight and getting a new one. I hope he will have time to install it before it gets dark. Usually I wouldn't care too much if the battery was dead because we don't really have anywhere to go during the day when Cris is at work but since I'm going to go up to Hershey on Thursday I really want to get a new battery right away! I have to get pictures of Navie and Caprie together. They are such cute little girls : )

So until then, this post will just have to do. I really wish there was something else to post about but winter is just boring for me. I have been making quilts and an Easter dress for Navie just to give me something to do. As soon as there is something to post, you can bet it will be up and ready for everyone to read : )

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