Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm a Steamroller Baby

Today Navie had her 3 month check up. I don't know why doctor's offices have to be so cold, but I felt bad for poor little Navie. As soon as we took her clothes off she started screaming and then the doctor had cold hands. She was a pretty good trooper through the hole thing. She is now 23 1/2 inches long and weighs 11 lbs. 13oz.! I knew she was getting big but I had no idea she was that big : ) Wow, they grow up fast! The doctor said that we can start giving her solid foods at 4 months. By then she will have doubled her birth weight and her stomach will be able to digest and absorb the nutrients in rice cereal. I'm looking forward to that so hopefully if I give it to her before bed she will sleep through the night. On top of all that, Navie is starting to roll over!!!! We like to call her a little steamroller. She will lay on her back and swing her legs over to the side and then get her upper half to follow. I was so shocked because she did it all on her own when we weren't expecting it. Tummy time is getting better too. She won't do it for too long but since we do it a couple of time a day, it adds up : ) I'm just so proud of her and how much she is learning and developing.


The Crunkletons said...

How cute! Sounds like she is getting quite the workout. Love the little grunts!

Anonymous said...

Look at her go! Love her bunches!