Saturday, September 20, 2008

Num Nums

Cris just keeps blowing me away. Not only does he do great at work, is a great father, but now he is showing another side of himself...... a great cook! I always knew that he could cook but wow, was this turkey good!!! He cooked everything and made homemade gravy from the drippings and everything. Usually we just use the mix gravy because its fast and easy. It took about 3 hours to cook the 13 lbs turkey but boy was it worth it. If he keeps this up I just might make him cook more often : ).

Of course I couldn't make a post without putting on a picture of Navie. Isn't she so cute.....then again I'm a little biased : ).

1 comment:

The Crunkletons said...

What a beautiful turkey! Can I rent your husband..he can roast a turkey for me any day. And that little Navie...what a cutie! Looks likes she winking at ya. Give her some smooches for us!!